Sunday, August 17, 2014

Are You 'Mentally' Fit For Work?

Greetings Dear Reader!

Thanks for stopping by to read this post. While we are aware that work is good thing, we need to be mentally fit for working, volunteering, attending training. How, you ask, is this accomplished? Read on for several ways to get mentally fit work:

First of all, having the right attitude will help your mentality for getting something accomplished (i.e. working). The quickest way to be shift your attitude to one of positivity is to be grateful for having work to do or accomplish. Somewhere, someone is wishing they had something to do or accomplish. Be grateful for what being entrusted to learn, volunteer, or do paid work.

Second, take care of your mind by getting adequate rest. When you are well rested, you are able to focus better and be more alert. Most, if not all of us, have experienced the occasional lack of sleep that has left of us feeling groggy and 'not totally there' the following day. Be mentally prepared for work by sleeping and resting well.

Third, feed yourself good nutrition. I like chocolate and most sweets but I refrain from over-indulging because I know that the boost I get from sugary snacks will send me crashing - hard! Therefore be mindful about what you eat. Choose nutritious food that adequately feel the body and leave you feeling good so you can get 'er done!

I hope the three tips above help you get mentally prepared for work. Feel free to post comments and add suggestions. I know there are many more tips that can be added, and they are most welcome.

Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal quality of life,
Kaja Green-Tovar

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