Monday, June 23, 2014

Delays In Reaching Goals Happens Sometimes

Greetings Dear Reader!

Thanks as always for stopping by!

So I have been in the process of relocating to the great state of Missouri. I am liking it in the St. Louis / Kirkwood areas more than I ever anticipated.

While finding a great apartment with the longest patio ever and hardwood floors in the living room plus a real fireplace (not the flip the switch kind - although those are very nice, too).

Well, I would give more details about my place such as how I look out into a forest when I'm on the balcony but I'm talking about reaching goals not my new pad.
Photo of the long balcony!

So I got "understandably" delayed in getting out my next Years Alive, Not Years Old Novelette. Although the first one (Lucky At The Lake) is out and available for your reading your pleasure!

Now that things have settled down (a bit anyway), I will continue with posting on this blog which helps me as much as I hope it helps you.

Delays happen but that's okay because by having a clearly stated goal, you can and will get back on track.

Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal quality of life,
Kaja Green-Tovar

Friday, June 13, 2014

The First Thing You'll Need To Reach A Goal

Greetings Dear Reader!

Thanks for stopping by! Throughout the remainder of June 2014, I am writing motivational tips about reaching our goals.

The first step to reaching a goal is to set one and make sure it's S.M.A.R.T.

A SMART goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-wise.

A recent goal that I set was to self-publish my novelette Lucky On The Lake, by Wednesday 11 June 2014.

Having the idea of self-publishing was only idea until I made plans to make it a reality. Making plans and taking action steps to turn my idea into a reality is what made it a goal.

Share about a goal you have. Please allow 24 hours for me to respond to any comments!

Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal quality of life!
Kaja Green-Tovar

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reaching Our Goals!

Greetings Dear Reader!

Thanks for stopping by. I have been gallivanting around the St. Louis, New Madrid, Fenton, and the Ozark National Scenic Riverways areas in the state of Missouri.

Today I'm back in St. Louis along with the two amazing cats I agree to take care for the next year! It's nice to be trusted with a loved ones pets.

     **By the way, they are pretty good travelers!

Anyways, I'm sharing this information to let you know that although I'm still travelling, I am back to blogging!

For the remainder of June 2014 I will share motivational quotes and anecdotes for reaching our goals and following our dreams no matter what our current circumstances look like!

Here's some motivation:
As a human being, you have probably experienced your share of highs and lows, but if you're still breathing, that means you got through it alive. If need be, you will find the necessary strength to make it through any lows so you can enjoy the highs of life and forge ahead to reaching your goals.

Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal quality of life!
Kaja Green-Tovar