Greetings Dear Reader,
Thanks for stopping by. I am on a mission this weekend to write 30,000 words toward, or hopefully for my upcoming fiction novel (or novelette).
My inspiration comes from reading about how author, Brian Keene, once wrote 85,000 over a weekend. His accomplishment is my inspiration to get in the 30,000 words between 28 March 2014 and 30 March 2014 by 2359 hours. I shall report my progress on Monday 31 March 2014 if not sooner. Here's the link to the blog that inspired me:
I am limiting communication this weekend to accomplish my goal.
"Down to Gehenna or up to the throne, he travels fastest who travels alone." -Rudyard Kipling
Now I shall limit my contact with the outside world as I write, write, write away...
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar :-)
Friday, March 28, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Put THIS On Your Apple!
Greetings Dear Reader!
Thanks for stopping by! Today I am sharing about a new treat I recently discovered. Some of you may already know about this, but for those who do not, here it is:
The above is a photo of
a sliced green-apple with pure honey on top of it. Not much honey is required. Note that honey is about 60 calories per tablespoon. The small apple picture is about 65 calories.
So what does an apple topped with a small amount of honey taste like? To ME it tastes like a candy apple! Yes! You get the "candy-apple" taste without the caramel stuck in your teeth.
Try it out. This is a good way to get in that "apple a day".
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar :)
Thanks for stopping by! Today I am sharing about a new treat I recently discovered. Some of you may already know about this, but for those who do not, here it is:
The above is a photo of
a sliced green-apple with pure honey on top of it. Not much honey is required. Note that honey is about 60 calories per tablespoon. The small apple picture is about 65 calories.
So what does an apple topped with a small amount of honey taste like? To ME it tastes like a candy apple! Yes! You get the "candy-apple" taste without the caramel stuck in your teeth.
Try it out. This is a good way to get in that "apple a day".
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar :)
Monday, March 24, 2014
Attitude Is Affected By Exercise
Greetings Dear Reader!
Thanks for dropping by to read this blog post! Today I am talking about how positively your attitude is affected by exercise - in a good way!
When you take care of yourself you feel good and are more likely to feel upbeat even if you encounter disagreeable situations or people.
With exercise you get the releasing of endorphins, which are hormones that help you feel good thus improving your attitude.
Having a positive attitude is beneficial because people notice and want to be around you. If you have ever encountered a co-worker, family member, or neighbor while they are happy and displaying energetic, upbeat behavior you probably smiled and felt good too without really knowing why.
So go ahead! Do some squats, modified, push-ups, hula hoop, or run in place. Exercise to improve your attitude!
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Thanks for dropping by to read this blog post! Today I am talking about how positively your attitude is affected by exercise - in a good way!
When you take care of yourself you feel good and are more likely to feel upbeat even if you encounter disagreeable situations or people.
With exercise you get the releasing of endorphins, which are hormones that help you feel good thus improving your attitude.
Having a positive attitude is beneficial because people notice and want to be around you. If you have ever encountered a co-worker, family member, or neighbor while they are happy and displaying energetic, upbeat behavior you probably smiled and felt good too without really knowing why.

So go ahead! Do some squats, modified, push-ups, hula hoop, or run in place. Exercise to improve your attitude!
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Enjoy The Process Of Creating The Experience
Greetings Dear Readers!
I hope each person reading this is having a great moment! Notice I stated, "moment". Remember, the very moment you are in is all that you have.
In each moment, focus on enjoying the process of creating the experience you want to have.
How do we do this:
1) Gratitude for the ability to be here now. When we appreciate being here and having the ability to do and experience life, it makes it an enjoyable experience.
I do this when completing chores around my apartment sometimes. I'll thank the Universal Spirit for the ability to do a task on my own or for knowledge about how to do something. This makes the chore not only tolerable, but more enjoyable because of my expression of gratitude.
2) Detach from the task and do it as an observer.
Detaching is really helpful to me when working on a project or task that needs to get done whether I want to do it or not; especially, when I have to reorganize files or papers. I detach and go through the process as an observer. It's almost like an out of body experience, which serves to ease the process and lighten the experience.
3) Smile.
Smiling sends signals to our brains that we are happy. Even if we are reasonably sad over a situation or not excited about some circumstance or interaction, smiling enhances one's mood almost instantly. Don't just smile quickly and start frowning again. Keep smiling until you giggle, feel delightfully silly, or in a way that is better than you felt before you started to smile.
Try the 3 techniques above to enjoy the process of creating the experience you want. Creating the experiences you want take some effort. You might as well enjoy the process!
Have a great day and best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
I hope each person reading this is having a great moment! Notice I stated, "moment". Remember, the very moment you are in is all that you have.
In each moment, focus on enjoying the process of creating the experience you want to have.
How do we do this:
1) Gratitude for the ability to be here now. When we appreciate being here and having the ability to do and experience life, it makes it an enjoyable experience.
I do this when completing chores around my apartment sometimes. I'll thank the Universal Spirit for the ability to do a task on my own or for knowledge about how to do something. This makes the chore not only tolerable, but more enjoyable because of my expression of gratitude.
2) Detach from the task and do it as an observer.
Detaching is really helpful to me when working on a project or task that needs to get done whether I want to do it or not; especially, when I have to reorganize files or papers. I detach and go through the process as an observer. It's almost like an out of body experience, which serves to ease the process and lighten the experience.
3) Smile.
Smiling sends signals to our brains that we are happy. Even if we are reasonably sad over a situation or not excited about some circumstance or interaction, smiling enhances one's mood almost instantly. Don't just smile quickly and start frowning again. Keep smiling until you giggle, feel delightfully silly, or in a way that is better than you felt before you started to smile.
Try the 3 techniques above to enjoy the process of creating the experience you want. Creating the experiences you want take some effort. You might as well enjoy the process!
Have a great day and best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Monday, March 17, 2014
Breathe. Relax. Relax. Breathe.
Greetings Dear Reader,
In our quest to accomplish our goals and complete our tasks or to-do-lists, we must remember to take time to rest. Sometimes the resting period may last 10 minutes or 10 hours. However long it takes for you to recharge so you may resume your quest with energy and enthusiasm, take time out to do it.
Breathe. Relax. Relax. Breathe. Over and over again! Make it routine to avoid burnout and prevent stress.
Meditate, take a walk some place nice and quiet, or simply take a nap. I recently took a walk at a beautiful park (see the photo) and felt relaxed and rejuvenated.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
In our quest to accomplish our goals and complete our tasks or to-do-lists, we must remember to take time to rest. Sometimes the resting period may last 10 minutes or 10 hours. However long it takes for you to recharge so you may resume your quest with energy and enthusiasm, take time out to do it.
Breathe. Relax. Relax. Breathe. Over and over again! Make it routine to avoid burnout and prevent stress.
Meditate, take a walk some place nice and quiet, or simply take a nap. I recently took a walk at a beautiful park (see the photo) and felt relaxed and rejuvenated.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Saturday, March 15, 2014
See A Problem? Brainstorm Solutions!
Greetings Dear Reader,
This evening I came across the following proverb:
"Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you something to do; but it won't get you anywhere."
Let's stop worrying over the youth in our lives and DO SOMETHING.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
This evening I came across the following proverb:
"Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you something to do; but it won't get you anywhere."
Let's stop worrying over the youth in our lives and DO SOMETHING.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Friday, March 14, 2014
Stop Complaining About Youth Being Harassed and... DO Something!
Greetings Dear Reader!
As a mother and caring citizen, I implore ceasing the expenditure of energy on COMPLAINING about youth being harassed, and DO SOMETHING!
In my book Preventing Harassment: Sharing Responsibility For Protecting All Youth, I share about teaching the youth in our lives how to interact in the world around them as well as present themselves in the manner they want to be treated. I use spiritual verses to back up my words!
Check it out:
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
As a mother and caring citizen, I implore ceasing the expenditure of energy on COMPLAINING about youth being harassed, and DO SOMETHING!
In my book Preventing Harassment: Sharing Responsibility For Protecting All Youth, I share about teaching the youth in our lives how to interact in the world around them as well as present themselves in the manner they want to be treated. I use spiritual verses to back up my words!
Check it out:
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Preventing Harassment - Not Just Something to "Complain" About
Greetings Dear Reader,
As a parent and a member of a "minority" race and ethnicity, I want to share an important view about preventing harassment.
Harassment is not just something to "complain" about. Instead of being reactive, we must become proactive. By teaching the youth in our lives how to conduct and represent themselves, we may be able to save their lives.
Checkout the book, Preventing Harassment (Sharing Responsibility for All Youth):
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
As a parent and a member of a "minority" race and ethnicity, I want to share an important view about preventing harassment.
Harassment is not just something to "complain" about. Instead of being reactive, we must become proactive. By teaching the youth in our lives how to conduct and represent themselves, we may be able to save their lives.
Checkout the book, Preventing Harassment (Sharing Responsibility for All Youth):
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Friday, March 7, 2014
An Interesting Encounter
Dear Readers,
On most nights I happily sleep alone but last night I slept with the late Dr. Ernest Holmes' voice in my room. You see I came across a full audio book (Creative Mind and Success) posted on YouTube, and I had the joy of listening to Dr. Ernest Holmes read the book.
It was amazing! It's a good thing I retired to bed early because I just had to hear all of it.
I am sharing the video link below:
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
On most nights I happily sleep alone but last night I slept with the late Dr. Ernest Holmes' voice in my room. You see I came across a full audio book (Creative Mind and Success) posted on YouTube, and I had the joy of listening to Dr. Ernest Holmes read the book.
It was amazing! It's a good thing I retired to bed early because I just had to hear all of it.
I am sharing the video link below:
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Struggle Not
Dear Reader,
In the exact moment that you are reading this, you... are... okay. In THIS moment, not two seconds ago, but right now. You ARE okay.
We are safe and okay, provided that we turn away from struggling or attempts to force things to happen.
Not struggling is akin to floating on a river and going with the flow of the current to get to the river bank or shoreline, instead of paddling against the current to get there.
It's easier and safer to go with the flow.
Have a blessed day.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
In the exact moment that you are reading this, you... are... okay. In THIS moment, not two seconds ago, but right now. You ARE okay.
We are safe and okay, provided that we turn away from struggling or attempts to force things to happen.
Not struggling is akin to floating on a river and going with the flow of the current to get to the river bank or shoreline, instead of paddling against the current to get there.
It's easier and safer to go with the flow.
Have a blessed day.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Twitter Is So Much Fun
Greeting Dear Readers,
I have to tell you that it took me a long while to jump on the social media/networking bandwagon. For quite some time I walked on the dirt road of emails-only and watched all the people in the wagons made of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others pass me by.
I thought it was just too much work to squeeze in with all those people, and it just seemed so intricate trying to decide which wagon would fit best. The Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest wagons? So many choices (or wagons... a.k.a. social media venues) to navigate.
But you know what? Once I rode some of the wagons, I didn't miss my little dirt road anymore. I do not watch television (no, you don't need to pat me on the back; I've already done it!). Instead of the t.v. I prefer to get my news from the internet. This way I get to pick and choose what I want, when I want it. Don't get me wrong, I still like the comic sections, word games, and lifestyle sections of Sunday newspapers. Anyway, I digress. Well, while not being a television viewer, I am kept abreast of what's going on (what's trending) via social media.
It (social media/networking) is very much apart of how we exist today. Don't be shy, give social media a try. Be sure to protect your identity and personal information if that is what is stopping you.
For the most part it's all pretty safe. You get to decide what you will or will not share with the public. You can maintain discretion via your privacy settings.
For a better quality of life, please keep up with the world around you. Stay connected and know what resources are available to you. God bless technology and let all the users say amen.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
I have to tell you that it took me a long while to jump on the social media/networking bandwagon. For quite some time I walked on the dirt road of emails-only and watched all the people in the wagons made of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others pass me by.
I thought it was just too much work to squeeze in with all those people, and it just seemed so intricate trying to decide which wagon would fit best. The Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest wagons? So many choices (or wagons... a.k.a. social media venues) to navigate.
But you know what? Once I rode some of the wagons, I didn't miss my little dirt road anymore. I do not watch television (no, you don't need to pat me on the back; I've already done it!). Instead of the t.v. I prefer to get my news from the internet. This way I get to pick and choose what I want, when I want it. Don't get me wrong, I still like the comic sections, word games, and lifestyle sections of Sunday newspapers. Anyway, I digress. Well, while not being a television viewer, I am kept abreast of what's going on (what's trending) via social media.
It (social media/networking) is very much apart of how we exist today. Don't be shy, give social media a try. Be sure to protect your identity and personal information if that is what is stopping you.
For the most part it's all pretty safe. You get to decide what you will or will not share with the public. You can maintain discretion via your privacy settings.
For a better quality of life, please keep up with the world around you. Stay connected and know what resources are available to you. God bless technology and let all the users say amen.
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Happy Marvelous Month of March
Greetings Dear Readers!
Thanks for stopping by. So we are in the third month of this year, yet it seems like the New Year's holiday was only several weeks ago! The year is going by fast and I'm just noticing.
I figure I am noticing now because this evening I slowed down and had time to reflect. It feels good to be in a calm and tranquil state of mind. I am like this most of the time but I am also quite active, too. This 'down' time is a really 'good' time for me.
I hope you, Dear Reader, allow yourself some time to relax. It is fantastic when you accomplish your goals and complete your tasks! It is also wonderful to spend time counting your blessings and appreciating all that you have been able to accomplish.
You are a wonderful, blessed spirit having a human experience. Do what you can while you can, but remember to relax long enough to keep your mind and body from going into over-drive.
Loving this spiritual journey through this earthly life!
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness!
Kaja Green-Tovar
Thanks for stopping by. So we are in the third month of this year, yet it seems like the New Year's holiday was only several weeks ago! The year is going by fast and I'm just noticing.
I figure I am noticing now because this evening I slowed down and had time to reflect. It feels good to be in a calm and tranquil state of mind. I am like this most of the time but I am also quite active, too. This 'down' time is a really 'good' time for me.
I hope you, Dear Reader, allow yourself some time to relax. It is fantastic when you accomplish your goals and complete your tasks! It is also wonderful to spend time counting your blessings and appreciating all that you have been able to accomplish.
You are a wonderful, blessed spirit having a human experience. Do what you can while you can, but remember to relax long enough to keep your mind and body from going into over-drive.
Loving this spiritual journey through this earthly life!
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness!
Kaja Green-Tovar
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