Thursday, May 22, 2014

Instead Of Worrying About Your Weight, Do This!

Greetings Dear Reader!

Many of us worry about our weight. While being concerned about it can be helpful, worrying can be harmful. When we are concerned about our weight, we recognize the need for improvement or maintenance. When we are worried about our weight, we are likely to feel forlorn and upset about it.

Instead of worrying, recognize your concern and make efforts to do something about changing, improving, or maintaining your weight. If how you look in, or out, of your clothes concerns you, start taking action to address the issues you have.

First, be thankful for your body and its functioning. After all, it is the instrument or vehicle that allows you to experience life on earth. Basically, be grateful for your body vehicle. You can work on it so it looks and functions better by CHOOSING to nourish it with healthy foods, adequate sleep, and physical activity.

Second, do what you can with the resources you have available to incorporate more physical activity into your life. If you can walk, walk. If you can jog, jog. If you can swim, swim. These things can be done at a gym or the park. Instead of a night out at the movies, go bowling or skating.

Third, if you watch television, be active through commercials. Same for online videos. If you're watching a video and it's interrupted with a commercial or advertisement, get up and move! You can do this! :)

As always, feel free to leave a comment.

For A to Z motivational tips, get the book (available in print and on kindle):

Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar

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