Friday, May 16, 2014

The Thing About Any Problem Is This...


One of the important things about any problem is this:
Worrying about it and over-analyzing the problem is ineffective. To diminish or do away with a problem, one must determine the best solution, and then take action to implement it.

Over the Mother's Day weekend I was very worried about driving on the Texas highways because of my vehicular accident last month in April. Well,
no matter how awful traffic became it was part of the route I needed to take in order to reach my destination. Worrying about it was not going to do any favors for my health!

The best solution I came up with was for me to drive on the access roads if or when traffic became to much for me to bear. It took me longer than the average driver to arrive at my destination but I was much less worried while I drove. I thought of a solution and implemented it.

Remember in the 2nd paragraph from the top, I stated we can diminish or do away with a problem. Even if your problems are not completely gone away, diminishing the amount, or heaviness, of your worries about them will be good for your health.

Worried about something?
Brainstorm solutions.
Then implement the best one for your situation.

I hope this post helps you or someone you know.

For the remainder of this month, May 2014, I will post tips and suggestions about dealing with thoughts of worry.

Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar

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