Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Boost Your Confidence

Greetings Dear Reader!
Confidence is a feeling that you can do or accomplish something. When you feel confident, you improve your appearance (posture and facial expression) as we often look the way we feel. This is why someone will look at you and ask, "Wow! What are you feeling so great about?" Or, "Whoa! What's going on? What's bothering you today?" depending on how you are feeling.
A simple way to feel and look more confident is to take action, to get up and move. You can't slump and feel intimidated when you are busy doing something. This is why exercising on a routine basis is beneficial. The opposite of being active is being sedentary which is a form of being stagnant. When we are stagnant, we feel less hopeful, less trusting of a better outcome, less confident that we will eventually accomplish our goal.
Luckily, at any time and pretty much any place, you can do some form of exercise (walking, stretching, calisthenics...something) to help you feel more upbeat, more capable. More confident!
Once in a while I have a morning when I don't feel like getting up to workout at home or at the gym. Unless, I planned to give my body a rest day from physical activity, I feel uneasy, a little off-centered. Feelings of being uneasy or off-centered are the opposite of feeling confident.
What about you? How do you feel when you do those ten push-ups or stretch your muscles? What about when you take a bike ride or go for a swim? Don't you feel more upbeat, more aware of being able to do things; hence, more confident?
Think about the last time you went for a hike, or canoeing, or river-rafting. You probably felt a sense of achievement for having done something. Well, this is the reason to implement routine physical activity (a.k.a. exercise) into your lifestyle.

Start your exercise regimen and boost your confidence.

Best wishes for your optimal health and wellness!
Kaja Green-Tovar

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