Wednesday, March 1, 2017

For Motivation to Exercise, Find Your 'WHY'

Greetings Dear Reader!

My blog posts for the month of March 2017 will be on health and fitness motivation. Getting and staying motivated to exercise will be easier once you determine WHY it is important to you.

As each person is a wonderfully unique individual, it is natural to be motivated for different reasons. Your ‘WHY’ for implementing routine exercising into your lifestyle could be about having a more positive attitude, feeling better, and or not being chronically stressed. Fortunately, exercise can improve each of these!

Exercise releases endorphins—the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a positive, uplifting impact on your attitude, the way you think and feel. A positive attitude helps you to have a more nurturing inner dialogue. Having a kind, nurturing inner dialogue is emotionally soothing, which will help you to feel less stressed about the challenging situations or people you have to deal with.

Exercise, which is often defined as sustained physical activity--be it a short or long timeframe, is like taking a happy pill, but without the exorbitant cost and potentially harmful side-effects! Exercise can entail strength training, running, biking, hiking, swimming, and the like. Exercise also includes less structured physical activities such as dancing, playing Ultimate Frisbee, golfing (especially, if you walk rather than drive the course), or going ice-skating or rollerblading. Oh yes, bowling counts, too!

So, go ahead and do something physical. Make time for exercising (even ten minutes, two or three different times throughout the day is beneficial). Do this for yourself and you will have an improved attitude, more inner peace, and better physical health.

For more motivation, check out this little gem of fitness motivation at:

As always, best wishes for your optimal health and wellness!
Kaja Green-Tovar

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