Monday, February 3, 2014

Everything Happens For A Reason (#1)

"Everything happens for reason."  That is my response to things that happen in my life. I believe this statement to be true because of the law of cause and effect

My declaration that everything happens for reason is a not  a way of relinquishing accountability or taking control of my life. It is away of acknowledging that, yes somehow such and such happened. If possible we can decipher how such and such came to be; then decide on the best response (or if a response is even warranted). Sometimes we are unable to decipher why something happens but in trusting that there indeed is a reason, we can better go with the flow.

The following are two examples of things happening for a reason.

Example 1:
One day while visiting the office of someone I knew, an acquaintance we both knew showed up. I did not expect to see this acquaintance but I was glad to see them. While the three of us chatted, the person I was visiting mentioned that our acquaintance was having an issue. It just so happened that I was able to help.

If I had not shown up, I imagine a source of help would have come from some other place, but I was able to help while I was there. This person was so excited that I happened to be able and willing to help when it was needed. My being there was for a good reason. It turned out well for each of us. The friend who needed help, received it; and I was grateful for being able to give it.  The friend who brought up that help was needed felt good in speaking out and getting everything going so the issue became a non-issue. Everything happened for a reason.

That was an example of something good happening for a good reason.

***Read on for a different example. ***
Example 2:
Once a message was left with someone I knew regarding a debt I needed to pay. I was temporarily embarrassed, but I knew the phone call happened for a reason. The phone call happened because I delayed in making a payment to pay a bill.
I was embarrassed for a reason, too! I was embarrassed because I knew that my character, or the order of personal affairs, could be viewed as questionable.
The phone call should not have been surprising since I procrastinated in paying the bill.  It didn't matter that I kept meaning to call and make the required payment. Admittedly, if that call had not come to my job I might have continued to procrastinate in paying that particular bill! I would not have put it off forever, but I might have fallen further behind the due date.
However, upon getting the message, I paid the bill in full.
The two examples above show that when things happen for whatever reason,  it is up to us how we think, feel, and respond.
Feel free to make comments to this post.
Best wishes for your optimal health and wellness,
Kaja Green-Tovar


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