Greetings Dear Reader!
I am so excited this morning. So many good things are happening. First of all, I feel amazingly calm and forward-looking today. As some of you know, my book The Musings of a Commitment Phobic Woman is available on
I am working on the second book for this story and incorporating more humor and wit! This morning just feels right. Most mornings do! However, I am extra elated because I am getting much writing accomplished. I started a draft on a non-fiction book to address what is happening with our youth as I am a parent of a wonderful adolescent young adult. More about the book will be provided over the next few days!
Dear Reader, when we do work that we love it makes for a better quality of life! I am so grateful to have self-published two books so far (one non-fiction and one fiction). I guess it's the Gemini in me that allows me to write both genres!
For me, writing nonfiction is much easier and quicker than writing fiction (although I enjoy both!). With either genre, when you are passionate about your topic, the process of putting words to paper (or computer screen) is smooth. Of course, if things aren't so smooth, we can pinpoint why and determine how to make it better for a smoother next time.
Have a terrific Thursday!
Best wishes for our (yours and mine) optimal health and wellness!
Kaja Green-Tovar
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